Monday, June 18, 2012

First post on the new blog

Welcome to our new Blog site for Balfour Farm!
After a year of not posting, I have decided to begin using the blog more frequently to keep you informed about farm happenings. The big event this week is that we have begun haying the fields.  There is currently about 9 acres down and drying and Doug will be raking and baling it today.
Today is also the Maine Cheese Guild Meeting at the Koons farm in Sidney, ME. This is a goat dairy that makes a variety of cheeses.
The photo above features (LtoR) Jamela, Grace, Genesis and Allison. Grace and Allison are both due within the month, so they are starting to 'bag up' as we dairy people say. Allison is a heifer- this will be her first calf and Grace is a proven milker, this will be her fourth lactation. She adds a lot of milk to the tank so I am really looking forward to having her freshen!