Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Signs of spring

I love milking on early spring mornings. Today there is a heavy dew and fog hanging in the air. It is cool, smells earthy and 'cowy'. This is a sweet smell carried on the light breeze across the barnyard, faintly of manure and hay, but mostly the damp earth.
The cows are in full shedding mode, and if you run your hand down their back, you come away with a handful of fur. Some of them look like a child's well loved teddy bear, with bare patches showing the short sleek new hair. Many of them have come in this morning with maple tree blossoms scattered across their backs. The new leaves are coming out and the woodline at the end of the field has a distinct chartruse aura to it inbetween the maroon of the maples.
Spring on a farm makes people think of babies. We had three bull calves last month. This makes 8 bull calves in a row now! Not doing much for growing the herd. Our next group of cows won't be due until June.
This is Newlook and her bull calf.